Sunday, 5 February 2012

Getting Pregnant Tips - 4 Absolutely Critical Tips to Understanding the Effects of Asthma

Click Here for Getting Pregnant Tips - 4 Absolutely Critical Tips to Understanding the Effects of Asthma

Asthma (asthma bronchial) is the constriction of air duct in the body triggered by allergenic reaction. This can happen to pregnant woman when she is exposed to allergenic substances or allergen. Allergy is an abnormal body reaction to the allergen. Substances which are known as allergens are some kind of microscopic bug, dust, cold temperature, foods, stress, or drugs.

This allergen causes the air duct tendon to shrink and the mucus membrane to thicken. Besides increasing the mucus production, the air duct wall is also shrinking and makes it hard to breath and also causing the wheezing sounds when breathing. If you have asthma, the followings are explanations about asthma, so you can avoid it.

A. Type And Cause

The asthma most people know is the asthma bronchial. Its caused by constriction in the bronchus (the air duct that goes to the lung). The constriction that happened makes it hard to breath for the sufferer. Generally, asthma happened because the pregnant woman is known to have this disease.

The trigger to asthma is allergy. To recognize substance that caused the allergy (allergen) can be detected by checking it in the laboratory. Sometimes asthma happens because of the pregnancy condition itself. For example, when the womb gets bigger, it may push the diaphragm. This condition will depress the lung which then causes the woman unable to breathe normally and trigger asthma.

Nevertheless it can also happen because of stress during the pregnancy, such as stress caused by the shape of the body which is changing, or the stress during the birthing process. During the pregnancy, asthma can stay stable, get worse, or get better and disappear, depends on the factor which triggers it.

B. What You Have To Be Aware Of

Asthma happens because the air duct tendon is shrinking, the mucus membrane is thickening, and the air duct walls is swelling, causing hard to breath and wheezing sounds. The most worried thing is when asthma happens during the birthing process. It may cause the mother to lose the power to push the baby out. Pregnant woman with asthma which is not well treated may affects the condition of the embryo, such as underweight, premature birth, or inadequate oxygen supply to the embryo during pregnancy.

C. How To Handle And Prevent

To prevent asthma from occurring, follow these preventions.

1. Maintain the physical condition of the pregnant woman so that she wont be infected with other respiratory diseases such as flu or coughs.
2. Control the emotion, do not get stressed, do not get sad, and also do not get too happy.
3. Stop smoking.
4. Exercise routinely to strengthen breath and vitality. Especially sports which help strengthen breath, such as aerobic, yoga, or swimming.
5. Maintain body weight, if its overweight it may cause asthma.
6. Check the health condition regularly.
7. Avoid allergenic substances.

As the care, the medical staff will give medicine or help when asthma happens. Its also important to tell the doctor or the medical staff your health history / health record. For pregnant woman its necessary to treat according to the doctor advice or the medical staff advice when asthma happens. For example, using medicine to widen the air duct, reduce swellings (anti varicose) and to make it easier to put out the mucus.

D. Natural Birth or Caesar Birth

Respiratory Problems often causes pregnant woman afraid to have natural birth. As it known, natural birth needs breathe control during the process of birthing. Next, what if you have asthma?

Asthma getting worse during pregnancy does not mean natural birthing can not be done. So does when asthma happens during the birthing process. In this condition the mother still can give birth normally with the help of medicines. Even when asthma happens during birthing process, with the medical tools and medicines, the process can still be done naturally.

If you are looking for more tips, check it out here []: and want to get pregnant [] website. One of the most comprehensive site on giving free tips, and information.

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