Asthma acupuncture has been used since ancient times as a healing method for illnesses such as asthma, with its roots in the Chinese culture. While modern medicine may be able to effectively treat the symptomatic problems of asthma, and in some severe cases, may even save your life, but modern medical science does not have a complete cure for asthma.
This is because asthma is more than just the outward symptomatic sickness of wheezing, coughing, sneezing and breathing difficulties. It has to do with your overall health, especially your immune system, to fight off allergies which trigger asthma.
Acupuncture has traditionally been used to promote general wellness. It boosts your bodily strength so that your body is better able to withstand the daily onslaught of pollution. The root of acupuncture stems from thousands of years ago in the Chinese ancient art of healing and health. It is based on the principle that our entire body is interconnected electrically. According to the ancient belief, sickness such as asthma, is caused by the improper flow of "chi" (energy within the body) throughout your body. It is stuck by a blockage somewhere in the body, and it is the skill of the "sifu" (known as the Master or Healer) that is able to determine the areas where the block occurs. Disease is a direct result of the imbalance of the "chi".
Acupuncture is a highly skilled art mastered by the "sifu" to unblock the problem areas with the use of needles gingerly inserted right beneath the skin at strategic areas, and put the balance back into the body and enable the flow of energy to all areas of the body. If it is done properly, it can send "chi" to the lungs to strengthen the respiratory system to be able to ward off asthma attacks. When the flow of energy is balanced, the body is strengthened and a healthy body functioning optimally, is able to combat disease.
Most people will begin to notice results almost immediately after several acupuncture treatments. However, for long term results, you will need to keep going for the treatment until the asthma is completely cured. It is best complemented with your regular asthma treatment under the close supervision of a medical doctor too.
According to the ancient science, "Chi", the flow and balance of good energy, does not only concern the body. It concerns the environment too. For example, if a building or office has bad "chi", the workers are going to be experiencing poor health too, such as work related asthma.
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