Monday 30 January 2012

Natural Asthma Remedy Tips

Click Here for Natural Asthma Remedy Tips

Are you searching for the best natural asthma remedy.Asthma is a condition that effects our respiratory system causing symptoms such as shortness of breath, increased phlegm, coughing and our airways can get constricted. This condition can effect anyone of any age and is usually triggered by an allergen such as dust, pollen, perfumes, cigarette smoke, environmental changes and excessive exercise. A remedy can help reduce symptoms and be very beneficial. Some natural remedies are:

  • Add fresh lemon juice to water and drink with meals and throughout the day to help reduce mucus.
  • Add honey to hot water and drink before you go to bed. This will help remove phlegm.
  • Turmeric has been known to be very beneficial for asthma. Mix turmeric powder with 2 teaspoons of honey and swallow it.
  • To prevent asthma attacks eat 3-4 figs throughout the day. They can be fresh or dried, which ever you prefer.
  • Add six cloves to three tablespoons of water and boil then strain. Let it stand for a couple of minutes and then add a teaspoon of honey and drink.
  • Herbs are also used in a natural asthma remedy. Herbs such as bishop's weed can be used. Add one teaspoon of this herb to a glass of buttermilk, drink this twice a day.
  • You diet is also very important. You must not eat foods that produce phlegm in the body such as foods that contain high amounts of sugar. processed foods and dairy products. It is also important to reduce the amount of salt in your diet.
  • Licorice root tea added to a cup of hot water can help with symptoms.
  • To help remove phlegm in your chest chew on fennel. This will also help prevent attacks.

As you can see a natural asthma remedy can be used if you have been diagnosed with this condition. By reducing the mucus in your chest and not exposing yourself to allergens you will see a reduction in your symptoms.

Have you ever wanted to know about natural asthma remedy tips. Find out more information about natural remedies for asthma at my website. Plus find out other natural home remedy tips that can be used to treat other illnesses.

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